Debris Chute System

Safety hazards of Current Construction Waste Management

The Indian construction industry is quite labor-intensive and uses several practices that can be optimized with the introduction of simple technologies. One such practice is that of construction workers throwing debris on the ground from a height. While the target is immediate disposal of debris, the practice brings with it a variety of problems such as:

  • If debris is thrown without attention, it can cause potential injuries.
  • Given the high amount of sand and microscopic debris, it can lead to air pollution.
  • Debris tends to spread when thrown from such a height, leading to wasting time in its collection.

Making waste management on construction sites more efficient, simpler, and safer.

To solve this problem, Team EnvCure has developed a garbage management system that is much more sophisticated and easily addresses the common problems associated with this system and adding many more benefits. The Debris chute designed by team EnvCure is designed to make the whole process much more efficient. With this product, the construction worker simply deposits the debris in a designated chute which then transports the debris to its collection point. The system offers a collection of advantages such as:
  • Reduced risk of injuries as the collection point is properly designated.
  • Because the debris isn’t thrown directly, it reduces pollutants from the air.
  • Saves construction time.
EnvCure Centralised Garbage Collection System