Valay Patel

Published: September 13, 2022

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In our daily lives, we generate trash every day. It includes the garbage from various products, including newspapers, fruit peels, hay, cardboard, hair, and everything else you can imagine. We generally discard the waste after collecting it. The collected waste increases carbon dioxide and Methane in the environment. Wouldn’t it be great if we could individually contribute to making our environment sustainable and clean? The state takes up the challenge of collecting waste and recycling it. But it can be done at a personal level as well. Waste composting machines have opened doors to new ways of living life.

We can go trash-free by installing this machine at home or in our neighborhood. Let us see the ways we can live trash-free.

1. Collect waste

The first step is collecting the waste. Most of the days, we throw away the waste generated in the kitchen. It may sound very contrary to the trash-free life, but the first step is collecting the trash. Make sure that you are collecting only biodegradable waste. Collecting waste can again give way to a lot of issues. So, ensure that you are collecting waste in an air-tight container and that the dumping site is closed and distant from your home. Make sure it does not give way to foul smells and bacteria.

2. Segregate waste

We all are aware of dry waste and wet waste segregation. Besides this, you can have a green bin to throw away the kitchen waste that can be a valuable raw material for the manure. So, collect the vegetable waste separately. You can even make segregation here. Collect vegetable waste such as peels at one location and food waste such as bones and egg shells separately. Since both take different times to decompose, you may want to process them differently.

Segregation must also be done while putting the feed into the waste compost machine. Check any pieces of glass and metals in the waste. These things cannot be decomposed. Also, it can enhance your difficulty in handling the final product.

3. Look for new solutions

Installing an indoor waste compost machine is a great idea. After initiating the composting process, you may have waste to collect. To put everything in the proper cycle, start with some new and advanced such as a smart bin. It can help you with the activities for composting. Since we have a composting machine, we all need the essential requirement of storing the waste. These smart bins are air-tight and made explicitly for storing waste. Keeping the waste in these bins will keep it sanitized and clean. They are insect-proof. So, you can start storing your waste while your waste compost machine is busy.

4. Use biodegradable products

Change your lifestyle and introduce sustainability everywhere. You can start by ditching the plastic bag and toxic Styrofoam. Instead, use paper bags and reusable dishes. Go for mason jars to store food products and use water bottles that can be reused. Disposables are one of the primary reasons behind growing trash. So, whether use products that can be recycled or products that can be reused.

An organic waste compost machine is an excellent way of indoor composting. It is about choosing a clean and trash-free lifestyle every day. We have different types of quality automatic waste compost machines for commercial and residential purposes. We will install it in your compound and teach you how to use it. Contact us today for details and a quote on the waste compost machine.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.1 Is a waste compost machine costly?

Ans. There are different types of compost machines. Since it is a one-time installation, it is a cost-effective machine in the long run. In addition, there are manual machines that do not consume electricity. So, you can even cut down on electricity bills.

Q.2 Can I install these machines in my backyard?

Ans. It is a personal choice. The machine is not very large in size and can be installed in every home.

Q.3 Is the final product ready to use?

Ans. The organic waste compost machine completely breaks down the feed and decomposes it. The output is ready manure. You can start using it in your fields without any help from the experts.

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